The Lunar Chronicles Review *SPOILERS*


Okay guys, if you have read this series and loved it as much as I did, PLEASE comment below with your feedback, it would make my day! 
This is one of my all time favorite series and I would definitely recommend it to any fantasy fans. Personally, I'm a big fan of fairytale retellings and this series was so fulfilling for me.(If you liked this series try the Ravenspire series by CJ Redwine, I'll try to post another review for those books<3)

I'm going to start with my favorite books in the series and go down from there.

All time favorite- Scarlet. 
Come on guys, you can't not love Wolf. His character is so adorably flawed and innocent it's almost too much to handle. Scarlet and Wolf make the perfect couple, in my opinion, and I was SO UPSET when I found out that Wolf had been lying to her about who he was. I'm just glad she realizes how much he loves her in the end of the series and they get married*crying happy tears*. But OMG I don't know what Meyer was thinking when she had them tamper with his face. I was SOOO upset- one of the worst parts of the whole series for me.

Winter was my second favorite because I absolutely loved Winter's character. I think it is so unique that she is actually kind of crazy, but not as crazy as she acts. I love that Jacin is so stoic most of the time but is so unbearably sweet and gentle with her when she is having a hallucination. Also love how all the characters come together and Levana is FINALLY vanquished. Scarlet and Wolf reunion scene is one of my favorites!!

While Cress's character wasn't my favorite as she is mostly timid and doesn't speak up much, I liked getting a peek inside her mind during this novel and I really like Carswell Thorne's character. It also makes for an interesting plot that THE Carswell Thorne has to depend upon someone as helpless as Cress when they are stranded in the desert and he is still unable to see. I also lik how Cress falls in love with Thorne instantly, but Thorne holds back his feelings because he doesn't think he is good enough for her.<3 love that man.

*Sigh* I'm gonna be honest... I wasn't crazy about Cinder, but it is the basis of the entire series and has some interesting plot twists. I just wish maybe there was a different main character? Wasn't crazy about Kai either, but comment if you disagree, maybe you can change my mind;)

This series is wonderful and I could talk about it for hours, but... I don't want to bore you. If you're interested in talking more about the series with me shoot me a comment!!!

Thanks for sticking with me guys<3


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