The Road by Cormac McCarthy

Hey Guys!

I'd like to start off by saying that the books I've read in class so far this year have not been my favorite(@prideandprejudice), but The Road by Cormac McCarthy knocked my socks off;)

The Road is about a man and his young son who are trying to traverse the post-apocalyptic United States. There is barely anyone else left on Earth at this point and the man and his son(they don't actually have names in the novel) are only surviving off of old canned goods they manage to scrounge from abandoned buildings. This is only if they're lucky, most of the buildings have already been picked clean and at times they go days with no food or clean water. The boy and his father are each the other's 'world entire' and they both make countless sacrifices along the road(see what McCarthy did there;) they're taking south, as not to freeze in the winters of the north. It's only a matter of time before they can no longer find food, as all other life on Earth has already perished.

I love, love, loved this book! I have never read anything like it, and though it is definitely sad at times, the innocent conversations between this starving father and his son are so precious.

It's strange, because you would think that a story about a man and boy traveling down a road would be boring, but there is never a dull moment in McCarthy's award winning novel.

*SPOILERS BELOW* - Stop reading now if you haven't read the novel

Now, I will say that the ending was not my favorite. In all honesty, I wish the boy and his papa could have died together so that they could join the boys mother. Instead, the poor boy is left to fend for himself in a world where everything is in a downward spiral.

*END OF SPOILERS* - Anything below this point is spoil-free!

The Road is a beautifully written piece of art and if you haven't read it yet, it's a MUST!

Let me know what you think in the comments below.



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