The Golden Braid Book Review

Hey There!

As you may have been able to tell by my previous posts about the Lunar Chronicles and my mention of the Ravenspire series, one of my favorite types of books to read is a good retelling of a classic fairytale.

The Golden Braid, by Melanie Dickerson, tells the story of a girl of about 19, who lives with her adopted mother in 15th century Germany. Mother Gothel is extremely protective of Rapunzel and warns her to avoid all men, as she herself was taken advantage of when she was but a girl, as well as her mother before her. Rapunzel heeds her mother's warnings until she saves a knight one day and, as he is indebted to her, she asks him to teach her to read, the one thing she has always wanted to learn. Rapunzel must keep their lessons a secret for fear of what her mother would do if she were to find out. What Rapunzel doesn't know is that her time with Sir Gerek will teach her many things and set her on a path that will uncover secrets long thought to be lost.

Although this novel isn't what I typically read, as it was set in the 1400's, It was a delightful read with many twists along the way. 

If you're into historical fiction this would be a great pick!

I would rate it about a 6 or 7 out of 10 on my personal scale :)

p.s. The Golden Braid is book 6 out of 9 in the Hagenheim series by Melanie Dickerson, let me know if you would like a review of any other books in the series, I'm only posting this one for now as I've just finished reading it.


  1. Is this the type of fantasy book with magic, for example is Mother Gothel a witch like in the original fairy tale? Or is it more of a historical book?

    1. There’s no magic in this book, but Mother Gothel works with medicine and is able to make potions of a sort.


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